Easter Event March 24th @ Clubhouse 1pm-3pm

WC Easter Celebration!

The Winchester Country Easter Celebration is Saturday, March, 24, 2018, 1 to 3pm, at the clubhouse on 9607 Rio Grande. We will have photo opportunities with the Easter Bunny, crafts, snacks, games, a moonwalk and egg hunts. There is a $2 sitting fee for photos with the Easter Bunny.
This year we will have egg hunt for each age group.
1:30 – 4 years and under
2:15 – 5 to 10 years
If you are interested in volunteering for our event, please email Debi at wmcaclubhouse@winchestercountry.org or call 281-890-8856 with your contact information. We need help with crafts, hiding eggs, manning the moonwalk and snack table. We also need donations of snacks like cookies, cupcakes, candy and juice boxes.

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